Hello Friends,
I know its been a long time since I've written anything here. A lot has been going on in my life; most of it doesn't easily break down into categories of "Good" and "Bad."
I thought I'd make a quick list of things I'd really like to share about, when things calm down a little:
1. My trip to Tel Aviv many weekends ago for a Bob Marley Tribute band and weekend on the beach.
2. The passing of my grandmother, Dottie Bell Smith Geurin
3. One of the most wonderful and powerful days of my life; the day my grandmother died, which was also Tu Bishat. An amazing day of praying, mourning, friends, street festivals, tree plantings, hippie music jams, deep conversations, laughs, cheap plane tickets, and amazing family.
4. My week-and-a-half in the states consisting of an amazing funeral, time with all the family on my moms side, a moving shiva minion at our house, and then 3 days at Wesleyan with all my close friends, girlfriend, future advisement, and so much more.
5. My return to Jerusalem and all my wonderful, loving, supportive friends here
6. The amazing classes I'm just starting to take!
7. And hopefully tomorrow, my first time meeting my cousin Sarra Lev, who is on sabbatical for the year in Jerusalem!
So, maybe not full detail in everything, but now you at least have some idea what I've been up to in case you were worried : )
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