Hello Friends,
So I've been having some major bloggers block recently. I have a whole slew of tabs open with articles I want to share and comment on, and a notebook and head full of stories I'm trying to tell. I would normally just stress out a ton about this, and not end up telling you anything, but I think I'm going to change strategies. Communication is really important to me, but its hard when you're on the other side of the world. So I will do my best to continue posting about my life, but if you're not getting enough, contact me! you can skype me (micahweiss) call my Isreali cell (052-312-6276) email (mgweiss@wesleyan.edu) facebook (Micah Weiss).
My new goal is to write something every week; not necessarily an "update" but an essay of somekind; expressing some form of a unified series of thoughts. So stay tuned, stay awesome, and love life.
Peace be upon you,
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