While reading some hip Jewish blogs, I stumbled across the website "Jewlicious" which is selling a very odd, and very disturbing collection of T-shirts, dubbed "Jewlicious Apparel." Now, I get that they're supposed to be funny, ironic, playful, and any other number of words that can often be invoked to try and justify offensive statements, but these shirts just don't sit well for me, and I would be bothered to see a young person walking around in them. Maybe I just don't get the humor, maybe I'm taking things too seriously, but these shirts are over my personal line of what its ok to be selling on a jewish themed website, or any website at all. The link for the site is below, but the biggest problems I had off the bat were:
1. "Obama is my (Sex) Slave" ... WTF?
2."Che Herzl" Don't know how Mr. Guevara would feel about being photo-shopped to look like the father of Jewish ethnocentric nationalism
3."Challah hu Akbar" -Is this not just blatantly mocking Islam?
4. "Christ Killer" - why would you wear this? What on earth are you trying to say?
5. "Palestine is for Lovers" -Yes, sweet sentiment, but taken in the context of coming from a presumably zionist leaning Jewish website (offers fee trips to Israel) and Judaisms role in the death, destruction,imposed police-state, economic strangling, etc. over the past many many years...
6. "Rucking Fussians" Whats wrong with Russians?
Link to Jewlicious Apparel-Please consider looking and not buying...
ReplyDeleteWell put, and catchy title for the post. I actually think what you are saying is very important, i.e. Jews being willing to speak out about things that we may see as out of line instead of just criticizing those who speak out against Jews. Way to go.
Avrum Weiss
thanks pops.