Amnesty International, along with many other human rights watch organizations, are currently in Gaza, analyzing the aftermath of the Israeli offense over the past couple of months and gathering evidence for potential future war crimes trials of the IDF. The following preliminary findings are deeply disturbing in the scale of "devastation wrought f civilians in Gaza."
But I also wanted to add, for contrast, the story of a supposed miracle that occurred in Gaza that I have now heard multiple times from Israelis, that I think shows a bit how confusing it is to be living in Israel while these atrocities go on everyday just 100 km away from me.
The story is told from the perspective of non-religious IDF soldiers who reported an arab woman who ran out of three houses they were going to search in a row, yelling at them to stay away. The soldiers later found out that all three houses were booby-trapped, and the woman had repeatedly saved their lives. When they asked who she was, she replied, "Rochel Imeinu," or "Rachel, your mother." They only later understood after she had disappeared that she was describing herself as the Jewish matriarch Rachel. The link to a version of the full story is below.
Its really hard for me to describe how these two stories make me feel. On the one hand, I love miracle stories, and hearing about how people perceive Hashem's presence in their lives in different ways. So, its a deeply moving story that these soldiers found their lives saved by a deeply rooted, not entirely understood connection to the land of Israel. But when the miracle story is put in context of the rest of the war, it raises disturbing questions about what kind of G-d "performs" these miracles of salvation for some, and leaves others to be the victims of war crimes and atrocities.
The times that this miracle story have been told to me are in the context of celebration of "Am Israel Chai," Hashem's ever growing presence in Israel, and the movement toward the dawning of a new, potentially messianic age for the Jewish people. While this does not reflect my personal philosophy, I think it is good to rejoice in peoplehood, but not at the expense of the death and destruction of those outside one's "Am". And that it takes a war such as this one to come closer to uniting Israelis, is even more disturbing, especially given that there will be no Obama elected on Tuesday to excite and reinvigorate Israelis through the political process.
I had to go run an errand in the middle of this post, and was discussing what I'm writing with a friend who was challenging me about whether or not this miracle actually happened. I think my point it that it doesn't matter whether or not Rochel Imenu actually appeared to these soldiers, but that they believe they did, and Israeli Jews are drawing strength, validation, and nationalism from the account of these miracles, and this is what bothers me. The more that Israel defines itself against the perceived other of palestinians, arabs, muslims, non-jews, etc. the further away I think this country moves from a humanly based reconciliation and peace.
Well, I'm rambling now, but this is the first time I've really tried to publish some opinions. We'll see how it goes from here on out.
Shavuah Tov!
Chief Rabbi Confirms Gaza Miracle StoryAmnesty International Report:Dear Friend,
Hours before Israel announced a ceasefire, an Amnesty International fact finding mission gained access to Gaza. Their initial reports are disturbing: the team found first hand evidence of war crimes, serious violations of international law and possible crimes against humanity by all parties to the conflict.
AI researchers continue investigating attacks against southern Israel and are currently documenting the true scale of devastation wrought on civilians in Gaza. The stories they report are harrowing.
In the early afternoon of January 4th, three young paramedics walked through a field on a rescue mission to save a group of wounded men in a nearby orchard. A 12-year-old boy, standing by his house, assisted the operation by pointing to where the men could be found. An Israeli air strike on the area killed all four.
The bodies of the four victims could not be retrieved for two days. Ambulance crews who tried to approach the site came under fire from Israeli forces.
Our researchers later traveled to the scene of the strike with the two ambulance drivers who witnessed the attack. They met with the boy’s distraught mother and found the remains of the missile. The label of the missile read, “guided missile, surface attack” and cited the United States as the country of origin.
US Weapons Used in Attacks
Take Action Now!
Label on the remains of a US-made missile that killed three paramedics and a child. The U.S. has to support investigations about misuse of US weapons in attacks against civilians. Tell Secretary Clinton and Ambassador Susan Rice to support an independent investigation. © AI
This is just one of many similar stories.
Under the Geneva Conventions, medical personnel searching, collecting, transporting or treating the wounded must be protected and respected in all circumstances. Clearly, this was not the case on Jan. 4th.
Since we last emailed you, more than 87,000 of you have written Congress and former administration officials. These emails, along with the massive outpouring of letters from around the world from other Amnesty sections, are making an impact. Just this week:
* the United Nations pledged $613 million in aid for Gaza
* 60 members of Congress signed a letter to Secretary of State Hillary of Clinton calling for humanitarian support for Gaza
* And hours ago, the US pledged $20 million in aid1-2
We have a small window of opportunity to build on this momentum: urge Secretary Clinton and Ambassador Susan Rice to push for a full-fledged independent investigation.
This investigation is critical for many reasons, not the least of which is the clear evidence of the use of white phosphorous, as well as the mounting evidence of the misuse of US arms3. As you read this, Amnesty researchers continue documenting the use of arms, and we expect an action specifically calling on Congress to investigate the misuse of US weapons in this conflict in the coming weeks.
Everyone is responsible for the protection of international law. The US government must not turn a blind eye to possible war crimes and crimes against humanity. It should support an independent international inquiry by the United Nations into allegations of violations of international humanitarian and human rights law - by all groups participating in the conflict.
The story of the paramedics and the young boy is not an anomaly. Write Secretary Clinton and Ambassador Rice today and urge accountability for abuses in Gaza and southern Israel now.
Thank you for your continuing support,
Zahir Janmohamed
Advocacy Director
Middle East and North Africa
P.S. For comprehensive information on the conflict, go to For late breaking updates, visit our blog, Human Rights Now. For organizing resources on the conflict, visit the Gaza Resources page